AMCA acts as a bridge between students, youth and culture sector, creative industries, film, theater, television, music, literature, drama and other related industries that we will present through individual talents and their work. Our goal is to develop audiences, interest among the public, students, access and improving access to European audiovisual works through promotions, events, film literacy development through a series of lectures, workshops, screenings and a film festival. This initiative aims to represent and promote the diversity of European, Mediterranean and other International audiovisual works, authors and topics. Activities under the initiative are targeted to promote film literacy and increase knowledge and interest of the audience for European audiovisual works, including audiovisual and cinematographic heritage, primarily at young audiences . The project aims to develop mechanisms for better coordination of initiatives related to film literacy in Europe with the aim of improving efficiency and the European dimension of these initiatives.

Programming just focus on the important and successful national and non-national European films and authors with a variety of activities. The project aims to provide a mechanism for better coordination between the initiatives of film literacy in Europe (film festival, university, film clubs etc.) in order to improve the effectiveness and the European dimension of these initiatives. The event is also intended as a distribution platform and promotional activities, create word-of-mouth promotion of films and authors. It is a series of workshops, panel discussions, seminars, screenings and similar programs that continuously maintain and develop each week. This program launched a regular gathering of stakeholders in the various branches of culture and creative industries and encourage their development in the Mediterranean.